VOLUME 26 ISSUES 1 | 2024

Exploring How Advances in Lens Technology Improve Patient Outcomes in Cataract Surgery

1Dr Sabina Aslam, 2Kashaf Munir, 3Dr Anisa Bashir, 4Dr Sheherbano, 5Dr Bakhtawar Talib, 6Kashif Lodhi

1Federal Government polyclinic hospital
2Divisional headquarter and Teaching Hospital Mirpur AJK
3Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Medical College Mirpur AJK
4Allied hospital Fsd
5Poonch medical college Rawlakot 6Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences. Università Politécnica delle Marche Via Brecce Bianche 10, 60131 Ancona (AN) Italy

Background: Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed medical procedure worldwide. With the aging population and their desire for active lifestyles, expectations from this surgery have evolved over time.
Objective: This study aimed to understand the advancements in lens technology and its impact on patient outcomes post-cataract surgery.
Methodology: A comprehensive review of recent technological developments in cataract surgery was undertaken, focusing on lens implants and their benefits.
Results: The modernization of cataract surgery has not only restored vision but also addressed optical challenges such as astigmatism and presbyopia. The availability of diverse lens technologies has offered patients tailored solutions to their visual needs.
Conclusion: The continuous innovations in lens technology have significantly enhanced the outcomes of cataract surgery, catering to the contemporary requirements of the aging population and ensuring that they can lead active, fulfilling lives.
Keywords: Cataract surgery, lens technology, patient outcomes, astigmatism, presbyopia, innovation.