1Frontier Medical College Abbotabad
2Fatima Jinnah University, Lahore
5Poonch Medical College Rawalakot
Background: MSDs, therefore, refer to a broad category of diseases that affect the skeletal, joint, muscle, and connective tissue systems, and are ranked high bearing impacts on global disability and increased healthcare expenses. It is essential to diagnose MSDs at an early stage and monitor the progression of disease to manage the conditions and enhance patients’ quality of life.
Aim: This work focuses on the use of radiological biomarkers to improve early detection, accurate diagnosis, and treatment follow-up of the musculoskeletal system diseases.
Methods: A literature review of related research and practices involving the use of specific imaging procedures like X- rays, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) scan was therefore, carried out. The selection criteria for biomarkers that underwent study included prospective cohort studies as well as case- control designs, in order to assess the biomarker’s efficacy in diagnosing and predicting the outcomes of MSDs. The collected data used procedural imaging and measurements that were quantitative thus increasing validity and reliability of the results. Results: Other radiological biomarkers included quantitative imaging markers which were assessed and demonstrated the ability of imaging techniques in the early identification of diseases as well as in therapy follow-up. Research also presented the relationships between biomarker fluctuations and clinical results in diseases like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis. Imaging studies were well discussed to elucidate the multi-modality imaging strategies of which the respective advantages of anatomic imaging and functional imaging were underlined as being essential for anatomic evaluation and focused therapeutic planning.
Conclusion: Concerning the musculoskeletal disorders, the application of radiological biomarkers is crucial in enhancing the diagnostic performance, outcomes prediction, and treatment individualization. Though variability and spatial resolution are presently restricted, the existing progress in imaging tools and biomarkers will prove beneficial to enhance its clinical application for optimal therapeutic interventions and reduce MSDs’ burden across the globe by implementing personalized medicine approach.
Keywords: Musculoskeletal Disorders, Radiological Biomarkers, Early Detection, Disease Monitoring, Imaging Techniques, Personalized Medicine.
General Medicine (ISSN:1311-1817) Is A Monthly Peer Reviewed Scopus Indexed Journal From 2001 To Present.
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