VOLUME 26 ISSUES 2 | 2024

Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis, a breast disease, occurs in women, study of trouble of treatment of this disease in Chinese women

1Dr Abdul Khaliq kiani, 2Dr Aqsa Tassadduq, 3Dr Syeda Ruba Masood Gardezi, 4Dr Sania, 5Irfa Mazher, 6Dr. Tahreem Faheem

1AIMS Hospital Muzaffarabad A.K 
2DHQ Mirpur
3AIMS Hospital Muzaffarabad 
4Chandka Medical College Hospital Larkana
5DHQ Teaching Hospital MirpurDHQ Mirpur
6Bolan Medical Complex Hospital Quetta

Objective: Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis, a breast disease which often occurs in women. Some studies and according to the media sources it is obtained that the treatment of this disease is always in trouble. In some studies, it is obtained that with the proper treatment of doctor and through some medicines this disease can be cured affectionately.
Methods: Total above eighty women participated in this study, the data is obtained from different hospitals in Pakistan. After the cure, the result is obtained that through the proper method how many women were cured completely and how much percentage that this disease come back to the patient again.
Result: A total of eighty-five women participated in this study. The age of women is from twenty-three to fifty-four. All the patients suffering from this disease above fifty percent of patients have pain in the breast. And above fifty-five percent of the patient suffer from swelling and above four percent of a patient have another disease. The total duration of monitoring the patients is from nine to fifty months after the cure ness or before the cure. Above thirty percent patients undergoing surgery and above thirty percent of patients give high range of dose and low dose with the drainage given to fifteen percent of patients.
Conclusion: In this study, three methods are used to cure breast disease, first one is the high dose, second one is the low dose with drainage and third is the surgery. In this study, we conclude that the method named low dose along with the drainage is a more effective method and perfect method. This method has side effects but this method is effective as compared to other two methods.
Keywords: Surgery, Drainage, Analysis, Idiopathic.